Watch out !

Paroles & musique Holly Near (1989) (Si/Mi) Chanson de 1989 contre l’impérialisme des USA et l’envoi des marines à la 1ère guerre en Irak.

Watch Out! Watch Out!
There’s a rumble of war in the air.

Watch Out! I think you better Watch Out!
There’s a rumble of war in the air.
And with a man like that, you never know where or when
He’s gone, he’s gone
and sent in the marines again.

Some are small and frightened;
some well seasoned men.
Some are rightly scared to death and some are
feeling the joy of seeing blood again.


Casualties seldom counted are the ones the guns invade.
The ones who work the land, the ones who love the land,
The ones who work the land, the ones who love the land,
The ones who work the land, the ones who love the land
Where dreams of peace are made.

